The Right Way to Prepare Your House for Winter

Winter is a wonderful time if you are prepared for it. Some states see a much harsher side of this season than others and they have to face many difficulties if they are half prepared. On the other hand, you can make the most of this time and enjoy everything it has to offer without any worries or inconveniences simply by preparing your house for the cold weather. It doesn’t really require you to invest thousands of dollars. You just need to check and maintain a few things ahead of time. Here is what you need to do.

Check Heating Appliances

It’s really important that you check heating and air conditioning appliances before the weather gets serious. You should see if they are doing their job properly and if their filters need to be changed. Some appliances go rusty when they aren’t used for a few months. You can service them to make sure they perform at their optimum; however, you will need a professional furnace repair service if the heater has malfunctioned.

If possible, you should learn to change filters and service these appliances yourself. It doesn’t require any technical skills and ensures that you keep checking them to maintain their good health. If they are well taken care of, their filters are changed timely, and they are serviced properly, it’s unlikely that you will have to spend money on repairs.

Clean the Gutters

Water freezes in the gutter in extreme weather. This is why you have to make sure that they are clean and the water keeps flowing. You can hire a professional to clean them all the way at the beginning of this weather. After that, you should keep flowing hot water in them so anything frozen inside will block the drain. You might have overflowing washrooms at your hand if you don’t get this step right. In cold weather, cold toilet water is not something anyone wants to deal with.

Prepare the Chimney

Chimneys are full of dust and dry smoke. It’s really black inside and can be very difficult to crawl up there to clean it. You would only be able to do it if you are healthy and don’t mind getting your hands, face, and body dirty.

Most people get a professional to do this job. If you are not experienced, you might not be able to properly clean it. If it’s not properly cleaned. You might feel some smell and dark smoke when you lit the fire. You should also clean your fireplace in the process. Get some new woods and make sure every necessary item is available there when you need it.

Test Fire Detectors

House is fully closed during this season as all doors, windows, and exhausts are fully closed. This can cause exhaustion in the house. Furthermore, there is a risk of catching fire when you will be heating the house through heaters or chimneys.

This is why you should have good-quality fire detectors and carbon monoxide detectors installed at home. If you already have them, test them to ensure they work and won’t disappoint at the time they are needed the most. You might have to change their batteries if they have been installed since last winter.

Seal All Holes and Cracks

Make sure there are no holes or cracks in any wall, door, or window. You take the time to search for them and properly close them. Cool air will keep coming in as long as these are there and you won’t even realize why the heating system is not working. For an extra layer of protection from the weather, you can also add insulation to your walls and roof.