How to Repair Dips in Asphalt Driveway: A Complete Guide

Are you worried about the cracks and dips in your asphalt driveway? If you’re handy with tools, check out this guide on how to repair dips in asphalt driveway.

These days, your car probably runs over enough potholes without having some in your driveway as well.

Try as we might to keep it in top condition, asphalt inevitably suffers the effects of wear over time. Whether it be from vehicle traffic, weather conditions, or any other reasons, damaged asphalt is largely unavoidable.

But unavoidable is not the same as unsolvable. Thankfully, it’s possible to take care of your asphalt driveway. With a little bit of effort, you can increase the longevity of your driveway, and easily repair damage when it appears.

If that sounds like something you need, read on, as we discuss how to repair dips in asphalt driveways.

Identifying Dips in Asphalt Driveway

The most common symptom of wear and tear on an asphalt driveway is something called dipping. This comes as a result of cracking in the deeper levels of the as the asphalt gets worn down over time. The most common causes of this come from traffic wear, as the pressure of automobiles over time weakens the foundation of the asphalt.

Weakened asphalt can result in a wide variety of problems. Potholes are a common end result of dipped asphalt. As the material begins to cave in, the foundation beneath it comes under more and more pressure, and eventually gives in altogether. This causes the area of the dip to collapse in on itself, resulting in a pothole.

Dipping can also cause spiderweb cracks. These long, narrow cracks are often a result of extreme surface tension on the asphalt, and can often precede potholes.

In a worst-case scenario, asphalt dipping can even be an early warning sign of a sinkhole emerging. These most commonly arise after a surface has been recently repaved, as the asphalt and foundation shift and adjust to their final levels. This adjusting can weaken spots along the surface, causing them to cave in and collapse.

These are just a few of the types of asphalt damage that can cause or accompany asphalt dipping. Now that we’ve looked at some ways to identify the problem, let’s take a look at ways to resolve it.

How to Repair Dips in Asphalt Driveway

This kind of damage can be fixed in a variety of ways. In order to fix the problem, we need to look at what’s causing it, and what other problems may be arising as a result of the asphalt dipping.

First off, the surface area in question needs to be prepared for the repair process. This involves many steps. The area needs to be cleared of contaminants, such as excess dust and dirt, as well as any plant growth that may be growing within the cracks in the asphalt.

From there, effectively repairing the asphalt becomes an issue of time and equipment. The process cannot be rushed. A poorly done repair job can ultimately end up causing more damage to the surface in the long run.

Choosing the Right Repair Equipment

Proper equipment is vital to the process. For example, most smaller potholes and asphalt divots can be repaired using asphalt patches. Larger holes will need larger patches, such as a five-year asphalt patch. These patches will need to be replaced eventually, as they suffer the same damage as the original asphalt.

Determining the right amount of asphalt patch to purchase is a process of its own. As a general rule, most asphalt patches can cover an area of twelve inches in diameter per ten pounds of asphalt patch. Of course, its always good to purchase extra for overflow, and to account for unforeseen problems.

You also need to examine the depth of the hole or dip that you’re repairing. If the damage runs deep enough in the asphalt, you’ll need to purchase a foundation material, such as sand or gravel, to fill in up to the asphalt line. After doing so, the asphalt patch is applied.

Patches aren’t the only way to resolve problems in asphalt surfaces, however. There are plenty of other tools, techniques, and materials that you can make use of. For example, Elgin’s Whirlwind1 street sweeper is a useful tool in asphalt cleaning and repair.

Studies have shown that porous asphalt handles wear and tear over time better than its stiffer, more rigid counterpart. This street sweeper gets deep within the material, reaching the inner pores of the surface, keeping them strong and maintained.

These pores can become clogged over time with debris from vehicle traffic, such as dirt, dust, and even chunks of the asphalt surface itself. This causes the surface to become rigid and tense, weakening its ability to handle pressure and surface tension. Using a deep, porous street cleaner like the Whirlwind1, that reaches those deep areas, helps maintain the quality of the surface.

Keep Your Asphalt Surfaces Well Maintained

Asphalt maintenance is a difficult and time-consuming process, but one that is well worth the time and money. Without proper maintenance, asphalt surfaces can become stiff and rigid. This in turn can lead to lasting damage, including cracking, dipping, and even sinkholes.

Luckily, with some time, effort, and the proper equipment, maintaining your asphalt surface becomes a relatively simple prospect. If you know how to repair dips in asphalt driveways, you can resolve the problems before they get out of hand, and save yourself time and money in the end.

Take these lessons, and keep your asphalt driveway well maintained. It will save you a lot of money and headaches in the long run. These problems can get out of hand, but with a little time and effort, you can solve them before they happen.

For more useful information, be sure to check out the rest of our site. We have plenty of valuable tips and tricks that can help you maintain your driveway, to prevent problems before they occur, and repair them when they do happen. By doing so, you’ll save yourself a lot of headaches.